Are adults more likely to experience hearing loss?

Lindsay Amend
Hearing Specialist
Family Audiology and Hearing Centers

Hearing loss is more prevalent among adults, particularly with aging, marked by age-related hearing loss or presbycusis. However, hearing loss is not exclusive to older adults, as it can occur at any age due to various factors. Key considerations include age-related hearing loss being a gradual process affecting both ears, noise-induced hearing loss affecting individuals of any age due to loud environmental or recreational sounds, genetic factors increasing the likelihood of hearing issues in families, medical conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease being associated with hearing loss, ototoxic medications posing a risk, and traumatic injuries potentially leading to hearing impairment. While more common in older adults, hearing loss is not inevitable with aging, and early detection, intervention, and regular check-ups can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals experiencing hearing loss.

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Family Audiology and Hearing Centers
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