At what age should I get my hearing tested?

Jessica Betts
Hearing Specialist
Family Audiology and Hearing Centers

Regular hearing tests are essential for individuals of all ages, and there isn't a specific starting age for testing. Newborns are routinely screened for hearing loss shortly after birth, and children often undergo hearing screenings during routine check-ups. Adults can benefit from baseline hearing tests in their 20s or 30s, but individuals of any age experiencing signs of hearing loss, such as difficulty understanding speech or ringing in the ears, should seek testing. Seniors, especially at higher risk of age-related hearing loss, should have regular hearing tests. Hearing loss can occur at any age due to various factors, and early detection through regular check-ups facilitates timely intervention and improved outcomes. If concerned about hearing, individuals should schedule a hearing test with a professional for assessment and guidance on appropriate management or intervention.

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Family Audiology and Hearing Centers
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