What are ways to protect my hearing?

Lindsay Amend
Hearing Specialist
Family Audiology and Hearing Centers

To protect your hearing, consider implementing several strategies. First, reduce exposure to loud noises by using ear protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs, in noisy environments like concerts, construction sites, or during loud recreational activities. Be mindful of volume levels when using personal audio devices, and take breaks to give your ears a rest. Avoid prolonged exposure to loud sounds. Additionally, prioritize regular hearing check-ups to monitor your hearing health and detect any issues early on. If you work in a noisy environment, follow occupational safety guidelines and use hearing protection provided by your employer. Lastly, be aware of potential ototoxic effects of certain medications and discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider. Overall, adopting a proactive approach to noise management and incorporating healthy hearing habits can significantly contribute to preserving your hearing over time.

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Lindsay Amend
Hearing Specialist
Family Audiology and Hearing Centers
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