Hearing & Balance Clinics in Watkinsville, Georgia, is a dedicated audiology practice that serves the general Athens and Watkinsville areas. They provide high-quality hearing care to both adults and children, offering a range of services that include pediatric hearing tests, aural rehabilitation, hearing aids and hearing aid fittings, APD testing and treatment, balance testing, earwax removal, and tinnitus treatment.
The clinic is staffed by experienced audiologists, including Dr. G’Anne Thomas, a 30-year veteran in the field of audiology, and Dr. Nathan K. Griffin, a clinical audiologist with a diverse range of experience. They are committed to providing personalized and professional care to their patients, using the latest technology and best practices in audiology.
Whether you're dealing with hearing loss, tinnitus, or balance issues, the team at Hearing & Balance Clinics is equipped to provide the care you need. With their patient-centered approach, they aim to improve the quality of life for their patients by improving their hearing and balance health.
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Hearpages has collected expert answers from Audiologists about a wide range of topics from hearing loss, tinnitus, hearing aids and more.