What is the process of fitting a hearing aid?

Brooke Craig
Aberdeen Audiology

When it comes to fitting a hearing aid, there are several steps involved in order to ensure the best possible outcome. During the initial consultation, a hearing healthcare professional will conduct a hearing test to determine the extent of your hearing loss and identify the most appropriate hearing aids for your specific needs. The professional will take into consideration various factors such as your lifestyle and budget when making their recommendations. Once you have selected the hearing aids that are right for you, the professional will customize the settings of the hearing aids to match your specific hearing loss. This is called programming. There may be additional visits to fine-tune the settings based on your experiences and feedback. During these visits, the Audiologist will work with you to make sure that the hearing aids are providing optimal sound quality and that you are comfortable wearing them. It is important to note that the process of fitting a hearing aid is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process. As your hearing needs may change over time, your hearing aids may need to be adjusted accordingly. Regular check-ups with your hearing healthcare professional will ensure that your hearing aids are always providing you with the best possible listening experience.

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Aberdeen Audiology
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